Spiros is a good friend of me from Greece and Captain of the sailing boat we have been on vacations the last 2 summers. Not only he is brave enough to have me and my brother from time to time on his crew…but also he cooks really well.
So here is the deal, he says come and i will rent a sailing boat and we will travel around the islands in Greece, the cost will be really low, and during the night cause you dont know how to cook (yeah right) i will cook you Greek dishes on
board….so how can you refuse offers like that?
Couple of weeks ago, he came in the UK to visit us…and we as good guests…. we made him cook for us …again… Yeap,thats how good we are 🙂 As he is a really skilled diver and fisherman, his best recipes are obviously…anything with fish. Nevertheless, the last time he came over here he forgot some pork chops in my freezer…So i asked him a nice way to cook them. I promised him, if the recipe is good ill put it on the blog. So thats what he wrote to me and i post it over here translated and without all the naughty words that the captains ussually say to there crew..
Captain’s Spiros Pork
“We have just done commissions and we are now 10 miles from the nearest coast. The crew is hungry. Very hungry!
We need to satisfy the animal instincts of survival ASAP!
So we collect our materials:
Pork with mustard and Rice
- 1 kilo of pork cut into bite-sized pieces
- 2 large onions, finely chopped
- 3 tablespoon olive oil
- A branch of Fresh mint
- Fresh rosemary springs
- 5 tablespoons mustard soup
- Grated garlic and pepper
- Salt
- 2 cups white wine
- 2 cups basmati rice
- We give the crew a small amount of alcohol so they have something to be concerned until they food is ready. In a large deep pan, heat one tablespoon oil and put the pork.
- Once browned we add the onions, the grated garlic and pepper, mint and rosemary. We stir over high heat When the meat takes all the juices that are created we add the wine.
- Lower fire and enjoy the smell emitted. After the pork ‘drinks’ the wine add the mustard and salt and stir in order to create our is sauce. If you want to do what is called in Greece “papara” and soak the bread to the sauce , add a little bit more water and bring to a boil.
- When it begins to boil turn off the fire. Serve together with rice Ready. Shout at the deck to serve. Serve in shallow dish of rice with meat.
Enjoy your meal.
p.s. I hope you have already taken care of someone other than the dishes after.”