The following is a recipe that is…pretty basic. Nevertheless, it adds a little spice in it and makes everyone believe that is really special and gourmet when …it isn’t 😀
For some reason, if you put some extra care to it you might make something really special. After all oven baked pasta always reminds me of food coming from my grandmother for some reason. Or at least cooked in the country side rather than the center of London
So…here we go..
- 500gr of lazagne
- 1 single cream
- 400gr of feta cheese
- 100 gr of regato cheese
- 150 gr of bacon sliced
- 8 slices of Gouda cheese
Ok, now that you have seen the ingredients you realized that is not something low on calories right? 🙂
Either way, it is so simple that you will be amazed. Well, at least i was when i did it the first time.
Boil the lazagne like you would always do and when they are ready just drain them and add them in a big baking pan.

Add on top of them the crumbled feta cheese and the regato cheese as well as the bacon. Make sure, using a spoon that you stir them and they go everywhere.
Now pure the cream and add the slices of Gouda cheese on top so they cover the pasta from top. Put it in the oven for 30 minutes on 180c and you are done.
Different versions
Usually I like to put things like bacon or peppers, but sausage will do also will make it however a little bit more “heavy” for some. In any case it depends on you…the melting cheese will make the difference either way.